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4,800 years old artificial eyeball discovered in Burnt City

(the picture was taken from jamejamshid website)
(the picture was taken from jamejamshid website)

Found at Jiroft the Mobile dull (5,000 years ago)
· Invention of Tar, that led to the development of the guitar in Susa (4000 years ago)
The world first Dice (Burnt City 5,000 years ago)

Worshiping a God 4,000 years ago in Susa
Shah Name (the book of kings) written by Firdusi refers to many Demons. Discovered in Jiroft
the world first Measurement and also was a hair brush (Burnt city 5,000 years ago)
· Invention of Wine. Discovery made by University of Pennsylvania ( found in Haji Firoz tape belongs to 7000 years ago)

The Gold necklace 3,000 years old Persian Time.
Signs of Nazis the originally was sign of the Aryan race. The archaeologists found the oldest one in Iran this sign was on 7,000 years pottery

The world’s oldest metal flag published date back to the 5,000 years ago. Discovered In Kerman (Shahdad)

Found at Jiroft the Mobile dull (5,000 years ago)

Worshiping a God 4,000 years ago in Susa

The Gold necklace 3,000 years old Persian Time.
Signs of Nazis the originally was sign of the Aryan race. The archaeologists found the oldest one in Iran this sign was on 7,000 years pottery

The world’s oldest metal flag published date back to the 5,000 years ago. Discovered In Kerman (Shahdad)
A figure of a perching eagle has been fixed to the top of the flagpole and the flag bears engravings of a seated goddess of rain with a woman standing behind her.
Three women and a rectangular garden with two palm trees are also engraved on the lower right side of the flag while another palm tree is engraved below the standing woman’s feet on the lower left side. Figures of two lions are on the two sides and a cow with long horns is seen in the middle.
An image of the sun in the form of a flower can be seen between the goddess and the three women, and two swirling motifs representing flowing water surround all the figures on the top and bottom.
Three women and a rectangular garden with two palm trees are also engraved on the lower right side of the flag while another palm tree is engraved below the standing woman’s feet on the lower left side. Figures of two lions are on the two sides and a cow with long horns is seen in the middle.
An image of the sun in the form of a flower can be seen between the goddess and the three women, and two swirling motifs representing flowing water surround all the figures on the top and bottom.